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Worship is the central component of life within the congregation at Our Saviour's

Lutheran Church. We worship at 10:00 AM each week. The services are generally

the same, each with a children’s message and communion. Worship lasts about an hour.


We follow a liturgy similar to many other churches. The word “liturgy” means, “work of

the people,” which reminds us that worship should be participatory. Our worship

includes four sections: Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending.


We use the same basic scriptures each week as many other churches, called the

Revised Common Lectionary.  We practice communion every Sunday. All who are

baptized and seek the grace of Christ Jesus are welcome at the Lord's Table.  Children

not yet instructed to receive communion are invited forward for a blessing.

About us

Lutheran Church, God, Religion, Love, ELCA, Jesus Christ, Davidson County
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