Our Prayer Group meets once a month at various locations and times. Check the calendar to see where we meet this month.
Urgent Prayer Requests: Our Saviour's has an online group of members that is made up of Christians with hearts for prayer. Prayer members receive prayer requests by email.
Prayer Request Guidelines:
In order to keep our prayer list from becoming too large, we purge the entry after it has been on the list for 1 month, if we have not been asked to remove it.
Please feel free to add the prayer request back if the need has not been met.
If you have added a prayer request and the need has been met, please contact the church office to let us know.
When submitting a request please give your first and last name in the "Name" field box.
If you want to submit a prayer request, but do not wish to have it published, please indicate this in your submission.
Prayer & Petitions
CM = Church Member
FF = Family & Friends
MIL = Military
Urgent Request!